Download our apps
Stay up to date with what's happening at East Cobb Church.

The church you love at home and on the go.
With the East Cobb Church apps, you can join us every Sunday and catch up throughout the week. Download them today!
Download our apps on these devices.

Featuring current and past messages, upcoming events, and more, you can download the app for your mobile device or search the App Store on any Apple device.

Google Play
Featuring current and past messages, upcoming events, and more, you can download the app for your mobile device or search the Google Play store.

Apple TV
Featuring current and past messages, you can download our Apple TV app from the App Store.

Featuring current and past messages, you can find our Roku channel by searching on your Roku-enabled device.
Have a question about the East Cobb Church apps?
Visit our FAQ to learn more.