Child Dedication

Raising the next generation together

family walking together in a field

“Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise.”

—Andy Stanley

We believe that raising the next generation in a growing relationship with God is one of the greatest things we can accomplish together.

We have created a two-step process in what we hope is a life-long partnership between parents, the church, and our heavenly Father. 

Child Dedication is available to all parents of preschoolers (birth–Pre-K) who attend our church and complete our process:

  • First Step – An event that helps lay a foundation of intentional parenting, and a plan of partnership between parents of preschoolers and the local church. 
  • Child Dedication – The public commitment of parents and the church community to raise and invest in a child to one day have a faith of their own.

Register for First Step