Volunteer in the Community
We show that we love where we live by the way we Give, Serve, and Love.

We make it simple for you to make a difference.

Kidz2Leaders serves approximately 250 children and family members annually through our four program platforms designed to support a child for more than a decade – starting at age eight and continuing into young adulthood. The K2L platforms include Camp Hope, Interns4Tomorrow, Family Support and Alumni Community. Over 1,200 children and family members had been impacted by Kidz2Leaders since its inception more than 20 years ago.

MUST Ministries
MUST addresses the basic needs of individuals, families and children with facilities in the Cobb and Cherokee counties and programs in numerous other counties through their mission to “Serve our neighbors in need … transforming lives and communities in response to Christ's call.”

The Table on Delk
The Table on Delk provides a safe place for those who are currently, or at risk of, being sexually exploited to have a meal and get connected to resources that they might not know about

Fostering Together
It can be overwhelming to know exactly how to help a child in foster care. You may wonder what you can do. We can help you find a way to serve a child in need.