
An environment designed with your middle schooler in mind.

2023 Transit 7th grade boys

Helping middle schoolers discover a faith of their own

Transit meets at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays at Fellowship Christian School.

We know the middle school years can be complicated. Students are growing up fast and need a place where they can learn how God sees them. Our goal is to create a community where every student knows they matter and belong. The road through middle school may be bumpy, but it doesn’t have to be lonely.

This Week in Transit

Life and Love in the Middle School World

Students are surrounded by stories, music, and images that influence the way they think about relationships. And these influences can lead to a distorted view of love and their own worth. 

That’s why we’re spending three weeks talking specifically about Life and Love in the Middle School World

We filmed the messages ahead of time so you can preview what your student will hear and be prepared to continue the conversation with them.

Watch Now

What's Happening in Transit

Resources For Parents

Connect with us throughout the week.

Other Environments for Kids and Students