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The Responsibles

Andy Stanley
Aug-Sep 2024

Our responsibility isn’t just something we have, it’s part of who we are. Taking responsibility for our actions, reactions, and lack of...

Fatal Distractions

Joel Thomas
Oct 2023

Jesus came that we might discover “life to the full,” while the enemy plots to steal, kill, and destroy. Many often miss out on this...

The Move

Jamey Dickens
Sep 17, 2023

As East Cobb Church prepares to move to morning services at a new location, we look at a famous story in scripture where Jesus simply...

Nothing Undone

Jamey Dickens
Jan-Feb 2023

Ever had great intentions you didn’t follow through on, dreams you never chased, or resolutions you abandoned shortly after making them?...

Living with Yourself

Andy Stanley
Jan 2023

In this series, we’ll look at three habits to ensure that the self you’re living with is the self that’s on display.
