The Move into Groups

Join a Community Group at East Cobb Church

young adults small group

More groups are launching as we move to mornings!

We’re excited to move our weekly services to Fellowship Christian School. We will meet at a time more accessible to the families of our community, and eventually we’ll have multiple services. All this will make our Community Groups more important than ever! 

Ready to join a group?

Let us know what you’re looking for, and we’ll be prepared with brand-new opportunities via our online registration system on Sunday, January 28.

Fill out this quick form and we we’ll send you a text reminder when our registration system opens. That way, you’ll receive special early access to find a group perfect for you! 

Get a Reminder

Looking to lead a group?

Already been in a group? Maybe you’re ready to be a part of someone else’s story and lead a group. We need new leaders to make space for those looking to join a group. Start a conversation with one of our staff and learn how you can make a difference. 

Lead a Group

Sign up for a text reminder when community group registration opens on Sunday, January 28, 2024.